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emon smith
(26 Jul 2009 4:27 AM)
i love yall keep it up and good luck in the future!!!
| State: tennessee
(26 Jul 2009 2:52 AM)
<Font color="red">red>First and </font><font color="orange">foremost </font> <font color="yellow">id like to </font><font color"green">say that </font><font color="purple">yall are two </font><font color"red">of the most </font><font color="orange">beautiful gay </font><font color="yellow">women ive</font><font color="green"> ever seen!! && i luv yallz videos. I like ur shirts too; ima get the studology 101 shirt-- yall kill't 'em with that "class is now in session" thing. LOL i love yall so much! keep doin yallz thing♥
| State: North Carolina
DeMesha Hadley
(26 Jul 2009 2:37 AM)
| State: G.E.O.R.G.I.A
Jolita Webb
(26 Jul 2009 1:46 AM)
To my gurlz DZ & POOKZ I want yall to know that I am thankful that I ran into your vids when I was playing around on YT....Keep on bring the vidz. I want you to know I got yall backs here in South Caroilna. MUCH LOVE TOTHE TWO FINESTSTUDSIKNOW!!!!
| State: South Carolina
(25 Jul 2009 10:44 PM)
Hi guys, just here to get a t-shirt and to say I am going to enjoy watching your journey . btw what are your nationalities?
| State: C.T.
laporsha vinson
(25 Jul 2009 10:15 PM)
[color=red][i]wats up DZ nd Pookz porsha051 showin love 2 u nd yo guestbook! I LOVE YALL SO MUCH!!! AM IN LOVE WID DZ FINE ASS!! MUCH LOVE PORSHA051 AKA LIL MAMA
Linnea Jackson
(25 Jul 2009 10:00 PM)
(25 Jul 2009 6:55 PM)
Hey DZ!!! Hey Pookz!!! Just coming through to show you all some support and let you knows what you are doing is a great thing. Keep it up!
| State: MS
Swaqqa C30
(25 Jul 2009 6:27 PM)
Wats Gud BrOs Js cuMIn thrU sayIn man Keep Doin wat u doiN yaLL insPratiOn Fa reaL!! N i appreciate aLL yall Doin!! MucH lOVe O i GOt A T of CoursE i wiSh yaLL hD a StudOloGy101 Shirt Wit da wiTe n Purple cas iM diggiN da ColorS lOL bt Umm Yea loVe yall N wiSh yalL muCh suCcEss!!
| State: florida ON DECK (dz)
Ms. Innocent
(25 Jul 2009 5:00 PM)
What's up Professor's I just wanted to show some love and tell yaw how much I love and appreciate your shows. You two are really real with all the information you give out and I for one respect that. I have watched all your shows. so keep doing your thing and can't wait till the next episode. Much love n support from the straight side.
| State: showing some love.
(25 Jul 2009 4:35 PM)
Wats good Studology 101!! it's ya gurl peachz stoppin by 2 show some love!!! congrats on the new website, now i can keep n touch!!!! much love 2 ya!!! <3 Peachz MUCH 4 U!!
| State: Texas
Shante Gibson
(25 Jul 2009 4:32 PM)
Congrats on the new site and the shirts...they are cute!!! Just wanted to come by and show yall luv...get my shirt...and tell yall to keep doing ur thing. MUAH~~
(25 Jul 2009 4:31 PM)
I would like to take this time (Sat, July 25th 4:21 p.m) to tell yall that any of you guys topics are not useless. They are helpful for many generations and are helpful to me in my goal of coming out to my mother before school start so I can have a successful year. Watching your videos made me feel comfortable with who I am, what I wear, and what I stand for. I watch various LGBT youtubers and I am real sufficient with my subscriptions. I only watch what is realistic or what is in my intrest. I've watch almost all your videos and not only that they are informative they are quite entertaining. I like how they ARE informative and not persuasive speeches. Flip On Deck may be the most watched stud on youtube but yall hit all the points in subjects. We come to you in real situations. So thank yall.